Sweet As Honey Creations Etsy Shop

Friday, 2 December 2011

Candles now for sale!!

Well I finally have 5 jar candles done and up for sale!  They are scented to smell like Sweet Peas and are 5oz size candles.  Jars even come with a lid!  Jars are up-cycled jars :)  Come by and check them out!!

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

New item to be added to my shop soon!!

I am in the process of making some candles for my Etsy shop.  There will be a totally of 9 candles to start out with (hopefully as long as all goes well).  They will be in jars with lids!  Starting out with 1 possibly 2 scents.  I will get you all posted as to how things are going and when they are aval for purchase!  :)  Thanks all!!

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Trying to expand things a little...check this out!

Looking for a way to make some extra cash from home?  Check out this website, it pays you just to get traffic :)  I am giving it a try, its free to sign up so really what do you have to loose?


Saturday, 12 November 2011

Cancer Awareness Dish Cloth Fund Raiser!!!

I now have a set of 3 dish cloths for sale in my Etsy shop that is a fund raiser for the Relay for Life team Eileen's Hope.  The set costs $12 and $5 goes to the team to help them in the cause to fight Cancer!  The rest of the money goes towards buying new materials to make more items to help them raise money :)  The current set of three cloths are orange for Kidney Cancer, pink for Breast Cancer, and blue for Prostate Cancer.  Each cloth has the awareness ribbon knit into the middle of the cloth.  Each cloth is handmade.  Please help us fight Cancer and order your set today!!


Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Electric Yarn Ball Winder Giveaway!!!

Check this out, Simplicity Boye is giving away one electric yarn ball winder!!  Enter now for your chance to win, I did!!


Saturday, 29 October 2011

Serger up and running! :)

I'm so happy my serger if finally up and running.  I got the new blades put into it last night and got it all threaded up today :)

I was so inspired by having my serger going that I started on the quilted pot holders I have had the pieces cut out for together.  Its looking great and I'm making my own bias tape for it so everything will match.

Its been a busy day but hey at least I'm knocking a few things off my list and getting more items done for my etsy site.  Speaking of my etsy site I sold a pair of adult monster eye slippers today too!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Adding new things to my arsenal :)

So I have managed to make enough money to expand the things I have aval to me for making things.  I have found a surger and only had to by new blades for it (which came in today!!) and a knitting machine :) I am loving having a knitting machine its let me start to create beautiful scarves, sweaters, hats, etc.

I will now be able to added more knit items and now sewen items to my etsy shop!  I am hoping that this will help expand my business even more :)

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Things still progressing

Well things are still slowly progressing.  I have managed to pick up a knitting machine and a serger for cheap so I'm hoping that those two things will help out with making some nice things fast to sell on my Etsy site.

I have sold  a few moose hats that I started crocheting but it wasn't through my site, so my quest to generate some sales on there is still on going :)

I'll keep posting on how things are going!  Remember to stop by and check out my site too!!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

One little step for crafting...

Well I finally got an order today!  I had someone order two hats from me.  One of the crocodile stitch and one of the slouchy hats.  Its not much but hey its a start.  So all together I have a total of 6 sales in my shop and am hoping for more.

Sitting looking out at the rainy day today makes me think of the cold weather we have coming out way soon, so make sure you get your order in for a hat or a pair of slippers to keep warm on those cold winter days and nights!!


Tuesday, 13 September 2011

New items

Just finished a slouchy hat for my etsy site :)  Its pretty sweet I love it and love the colour!  I hope that its a good seller, would love to see a few more sales come my way getting a little frustrated but all good things come to those who wait right?  Anyway just wanted to leave an update on the new item in the shop, please check it out!!  http://www.etsy.com/listing/81729071/slouch-hat

Monday, 5 September 2011

A little jump in business!!

Alright so the site is up and running great!  Again the link is http://www.etsy.com/shop/sweetashoneycreation incase anyone wants to check it out lol.

I also recently went in and spoke with a business in Penticton BC about possibly getting a few of my things put in their store for sale.  They agreed to put in my baby hats that look like pumpkins, carrots, blueberries, etc.!!  So the first order is a trial run I need to make her up about 8 hats in total with business cards and care instructions.  I am so excited!  I hope things go well and that this could be an opportunity for me to expand my business a little more!  Its not much of a start but hey you have to start somewhere right?  I currently have 3 hats of the 8 done, so I am getting there.  Its a lot of work but I so hope it pays off in the end, I love crafting things and it would be awesome if I could stay at home with my little guy and use my crafts as a means of income :)

Anyway I just wanted to give a quick up date on the situations and how things are going.  As soon as I get all the hats ready and at the shop I will let everyone know where you can find them.  In the meantime you can order them all off my website!

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Starting up an Etsy Site...

So I recently had a baby, well ok not that recently he will be exactly 3 months tomorrow September 5th.  So this means I have been thrown into the routine of bottles, diapers, laundry, etc.  Now don't get me wrong I love having my little guy around but in order to stay at home where I feel I need to be right now I have had to give up my job.  I know it sounds great, all this time home from work who would complain.  But I really do miss the go go go of having a job (I haven't been without one for years since I was at least a teenager in high school).  So to take up what little spare time I do have I have decided to pour more or my (leftover) energy into getting my Etsy site going.  I figured to maybe get the word out about my site and all my little crafty ideas I put up for sale I would start a blog about my adventures on finding my way through the world of home business lol.  Thanks to all who stop by and take the time to read my blog and please check out my website and leave me any comments you might have!  http://www.etsy.com/shop/sweetashoneycreation